What is Ketotarianism?

You may have heard of the ketogenic diet. This low-carbohydrate, moderate- protein, high-fat way of eating has taken the wellness world by storm. The ketogenic diet promises to shift your metabolism into a fat-burning powerhouse, allowing you to lose stubborn weight that you may have been holding on to for years. The ketogenic diet promises not only weight loss but also a way to improve your brain function and decrease chronic inflammation, the root factor to just about every chronic health problem we face today.
The problem is that the average ketogenic dieter is eating pounds of processed meats, bacon, beef, cheese, and dairy from factory-farmed animals. These foods are loaded with antibiotics and hormones, but many keto dieters believe it’s fine because it’s “low-carb, high-fat.” The conventional ketogenic diet also allows you to have sugar-free, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and diet drinks all in the name of being “low carb.” These sweeteners are linked to triggering a whole array of health problems, but as long as it’s low-carb, it’s OK on the average ketogenic diet. As long as it fits the right macronutrient ratio, your average keto dieter will eat it. Because of this hyperfocus on macronutrients over food quality, many people on the ketogenic diet begin to fear and avoid vegetables because of their carbohydrate content. This is a major issue I have with the standard ketogenic approach.
Then there are the vegan and vegetarian diets. Typically, these are the antithesis of the ketogenic diet: low-fat and high-carb. Advocates of this way of eating tell us that avoiding animal products like meat and dairy not only will reverse and prevent disease and protect our heart health but is also good for the planet. Opting for plants instead of meat is said to reduce our carbon footprint and protect against climate change. Contrary to the ketogenic diet, vegans and vegetarians often encourage us to eat a low-fat, moderate-plant-protein, high-carbohydrate diet—the polar opposite of a ketogenic approach to eating. The problem I find in vegan and vegetarian patients is that most of them are actually carbatarians, living on bread, pasta, beans, and vegan sweets, all in the name of living green. If they aren’t bread heads, they are depending too heavily on soy for their protein, which is typically genetically modified and always high in oestrogens. I see many vegans and vegetarians with wrecked digestion and their overall health declining, clinging to their zealous belief that this is the way people should eat and live. It’s time to dump diet dogma and food fads for good. What really works, and what really doesn’t, for your health? Ketotarian marries the best of low-carb diets and a plant-based way of eating, while avoiding the common pitfalls that I have seen countless well-intentioned people make with both these diets. The Ketotarian way of eating brings together healthy plant-based fats, clean protein, and the rich, vibrant colors of nutrient-dense vegetables.
Because Ketotarian is the best of both the ketogenic and plant-based worlds, it is meant for anyone and everyone. By eating the Ketotarian way you will get to experience satisfying and delicious ketogenic meals that are:
• Plant-based (most recipes are vegan or vegetarian)
• Paleo/primal-friendly (Ketotarian is naturally legume, dairy, gluten, and grain free and all real foods)
• Autoimmune-friendly (autoimmune protocol, AIP) (many recipes are free of nuts, nightshades, and eggs; all are free of grains and dairy)
This unique, fresh way of eating and living is meant for anyone who wants to lose weight, overcome cravings, regain energy, or decrease inflammation levels. If you’ve been confused and frustrated about what the heck to eat, look no further than Ketotarianism.
Extracted from Ketotarian by Will Cole, published by Hodder & Stoughton