Making Magic From Monsters

One of the most frustrating things about self-sabotage is looking back and wondering what the hell came over us. How do we get a grip on a problem that – like a monster materialising from the shadows of the mind – seems to come out of nowhere?
In her book FIGHT: Win Freedom From Self-sabotage, Hazel Gale helps you to answer these questions, and now you can get started with her creative online course as well.
We all have our monsters of the mind, and left to their own devices, those destructive parts of the personality can keep us down. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, those very same parts of our personality could hold the key to a more exciting, successful and connected life. We just have to make friends with them first!
Making Magic From Monsters is about building self-awareness and finding a better way of taking real control. Over the seven days you will explore:
Day 1: Introducing Self-Sabotage
Day 2: Meet Your Monster
Day 3: Monster Stories (addressing limiting beliefs)
Day 4: Rewrite Your Future
Day 5 + 6: Reframe Your Past
Day 7: Monster Evolution (taking control of self-sabotage)
The course consists of videos, articles and tasks. It’ll be delivered straight to your inbox in daily thirty-minute chunks over the course of one week (although you can take more time if you like). You can start whenever you’re ready, but your free access is only available this week (ending Sunday 20 May). Join the Facebook group “FIGHT: Win Freedom From Self-sabotage” to sign up.