Meet the brand: FODMAPPED

To celebrate IBS Awareness Month, we’re talking all things FODMAP.
Understanding around the low FODMAP diet is growing, and there are brands popping up dedicated to helping those with dietary requirements live happier and healthier lives. We asked FODMAPPED a few questions to find out more about the diet and their products.
Who are you?
FODMAPPED is the world’s first dedicated low FODMAP brand, producing food products specifically designed for people on a low FODMAP diet, those living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other gastrointestinal diseases. Australian owned and operated FODMAPPED Foods is based in Melbourne, Australia, locally producing low FODMAP soups, stock, simmer sauces and pasta sauces – products that traditionally present a challenge for sufferers of gastrointestinal diseases.
What exactly are FODMAPs?
FODMAP is an abbreviation for a collection of short-chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols, naturally found in food or as food additives – Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharaides And Polyols. FODMAPs can trigger unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms for people with IBS, and thus a diet low in FODMAPs is recommended by health professionals as an effective way to manage these symptoms. Under the direction of a dietitian or health expert this three-phase diet requires a person to totally eliminate high-FODMAP foods from their diet and then slowly reintroduce them one by one, so that they can identify their key triggers and the amount of each trigger food they can tolerate. Some of the culprits for causing symptoms include onions, garlic, dairy (lactose), wheat, apples, beans, stone fruit, mushrooms and cashews.
How big is the problem?
In short, it’s enormous. Worldwide it is estimated 15% of the population (more than 1 in 7 people) suffers from IBS and people requiring a diet low in FODMAPs is expected to be 15 times more common than gluten free. Symptoms of IBS are unpleasant – excess gas, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea – and are the second most common cause of absenteeism from work, second only to the common cold. Not only is it an unpleasant way to live, it can be incredibly distressing and socially isolating for sufferers.
Where was the low FODMAP diet developed?
Developed here at one of Melbourne’s top universities, the low FODMAP diet is well known in Australia but is also really gaining momentum overseas, particularly in the US and UK where FODMAP friendly food products are still very limited. People are seeking solutions to their symptoms more than ever, and seeking out products that will help them live a normal life. Here at FODMAPPED we get hundreds of emails and messages on social media every week from people around the world who want to try FODMAPPED products, or simply to thank us for catering to their unique needs.
How are FODMAPPED helping the IBS community?
Made from real ingredients, our entire FODMAPPED range is 100% free from gluten, onions and garlic (some of the main triggers for people with IBS) but still rich in flavour and most importantly safe for sufferers of IBS. Furthermore, every product is certified with the FODMAP Friendly logo (the only registered certification worldwide that identifies the FODMAP levels of packaged food) and have each been independently lab tested by a NATA certified laboratory, so you can know with confidence that they really have been FODMAPPED for you!
Our current product range includes ready-to-eat soups, stocks, simmer sauces and pasta sauces with many more exciting products in the pipeline.
To find out more, connect with us on social media or to get in touch: