3 New Year’s Resolutions for 2021

Suggested by Dr Jenny Goodman

  1. I will totally forgive myself for not keeping perfectly to all my New Year’s Resolutions! I am only human, and it’s been a very tough year. I will never give up, but neither will I ever beat myself up for getting stuff wrong. I will just do my best, and be kind and gentle with myself and others.
  2. I will take 5 or 10 minutes every day to stop, breathe, and simply BE. I will learn a meditation/mindfulness practice if I don’t have one already. And I will try to bring that calm, focussed, mindful state to all my daily activities, whether it be washing the dishes, walking the dog or brushing my teeth – with natural, fluoride-free toothpaste, of course.
  3. I will keep seeking the right balance between care for self and care for those around me and care for the planet. I will remember that the balance will be different every day. And that I can only be of service to the world if I take good care of myself – rest, sleep, exercise, fresh air and good food.

Staying Alive in Toxic Times by Dr Jenny Goodman is out now in hardback, ebook and audio.